Library Directory

Pamella Lach

Pamella Lach (she/her/hers)

Digital Humanities Librarian and DH Center Director

Academic Rank: Associate Librarian; Tenured
(619) 594-8241

Office: Library Addition 61N
University Library,
San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Drive,
San Diego, CA 92182-8050

Pamella R. Lach (she/her/hers) is the Digital Humanities Librarian at San Diego State University, which occupies the traditional lands of the Kumeyaay. She is Director of the Library’s Digital Humanities Center (, a values-oriented space designed to blur and disrupt disciplinary boundaries; connect faculty, staff, students and community members; and foster digital experimentation and critique. She is co-director of SDSU’s Digital Humanities Initiative (, an interdisciplinary and cross-campus hub of innovation. Dr. Lach’s work is grounded in an ethic of care and community building, critical and ethical applications of technology in research and teaching, and process-oriented experimentation. She is the co-creator with the National Humanities Center of the acclaimed series of podcast institutes that have helped more than 630 doctoral students, faculty, and academic staff move towards a more collaborative, care-centered, networked approach to the humanities. Her areas of interest include digital pedagogy, surveillance, critical librarianship, and anti-racist digital humanities. She has a PhD in U.S. Cultural History with an emphasis on gender and film history from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a MS in Information Science from UNC’s School of Information and Library Science. Select professional service: * 2026-2028: Co-President, Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) * Fall 2024-present: Editorial Board, In the Library with the Lead Pipe, open access, open peer-reviewed journal * 2024-2026: Co-Vice President/Co-President Elect, Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) * 2022-2025: Executive Council member, Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) * 2023-2024: Conference Co-Chair, ACH 2024 Virtual Conference * 2022-2023: Conference Chair, ACH 2023 Virtual Conference (June 29-July 1) * 2022-2023: Chair, Digital Scholarship Section (DSS), Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) * 2021-2022: Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, DSS * 2019-2021: Chair, DSS Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee * 2019-present: Review Editor, dh+lib Review * 2018-2020: Co-editor, Scholarly Communications column, College & Research Libraries News (a ReSEC activity) * 2017-2019: Co-Convener, DSS Digital Scholarship Centers Discussion Group/ACRL Digital Scholarship Centers Interest Group * 2016-2020: Member, ACRL Research and Scholarly Environment Committee (ReSEC)

Professional History
  • Digital Humanities Librarian and DH Center Director, 2016—Present
    Library, San Diego State University
  • Head of the Center for Faculty and Staff Initiatives and Engagement, 2015—2016
    KU Libraries, University of Kansas
  • Associate Director/Manager, 2011—2015
    Digital Innovation Lab, University of North Carolina
  • MSIS, University of North Carolina, 2012
  • PhD, University of North Carolina, 2007
  • Bachelor of Arts, Rutgers University, Douglass College, 1998
Select Professional Activities
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